
Here are some resources links:



Kaltura & Tiki

Open video


Embedding Flash videos

"The depth and breadth of analysis from single frame quality to current industry trends in Jan Ozer's "Video Compression for Flash, Apple Devices and HTML5" makes this a great education for both beginners and veterans."

Containers vs File formats

There is a difference between a Video container and a video file.

Video containers

Video files

To understand what is a Codec:

  • Here is a list of Codecs known and used and how they fit into containers

The most popular, the one we hear most often about is the H264 codec

  • H264 is part of the X264 family of codecs
    • H264 is the most commonly used formats for the recording, compression, and distribution of high definition video

Online editing

  • MixMoov.com: No need to install software on the user's computer


If your interested to join this community, Yes, we do need active members. All you need to do is log in with your regular tiki.org username and password. If you don't have one, please register. Then, if you could please add your name on the phase II and III video clip project draft page. We will reply to you.

If your looking for support, please go to the forum section. You will find plenty of FAQ and answers. If you post your question there someone will answer you in the best possible delay.

There are already some common questions being already answered in the forum. Here are some: