
View:Steve Cichosz

Video Title Steve Cichosz
Description Steve is a 30 year veteran of the technology industry and the founder of Technology Advocates, a company established to help the average person navigate the Internet Superhighway. Steve started working with large scale computers back when nobody thought twice about seeing punchcards in use. Over his years in IT Steve consulted internationally to major corporations, worked in startups and been employed by the fortune 500 as well. In this time Steve has worked as a Unix administrator over most Unix flavors from Linux to Cray Unicose, served as a database administrator and consultant for several database brands including Oracle and Ingres, functioned as a network administrator for Novell, Token Ring, NetBIOS and TCP/IP networks, written programs in a variety of languages and am currently working for IBM as a systems architect running major system performance test labs.
Tags steve cichosz, testimonial
Embed code {kaltura id="1_0l66mpwo"}
Duration 221s
Views 67
Plays 19